Dallas Linedancers PARTY (Helensvale / Gold Coast)
Helensvale Community Centre 31-37 Discovery Drive, Helensvale, QLDFor more information contact Debbie Greaves on 0403 225313 or email dlkgreaves@gmail.com
For more information contact Debbie Greaves on 0403 225313 or email dlkgreaves@gmail.com
THEME: Aprons Bookings essential for all socials due to the size of the hall. Please contact Heather McPhee to register your attendance heathermcphee18@gmail.com
For further information please contact Annie Bradbury on 0435 191835.
THEME: Scruff and/or Glamour Please BYO food & drinks. Tea & Coffee provided. For more information contact Jo Rosenblatt on 0417 074218 or email errolandjo@bigpond.com Please Note: This is a ...
Contact Tracey Daffey on 0419 712 590 for further information. THEME: Floral
For further information contact: Siobhan Wright: siobhanamy@hotmail.com
For further information contact Gordon Elliott on 0411 500 511.
For further information contact Viv (0407 980392), Maren (0488 764088) or Deb (0428 475754).
THEME: "White & Pink" For further information contact: Jasmin 0432 390 138 or email BusyBoots@mail.com
Come and join QLDA as they host a Day of 100 Dances in Bundaberg!!! Contact QLDA via email info@queenslandlinedanceassoication.com.au for further information. SAVE THE DATE
THEME: Crazy Pants Contact Suzzanne Hinds on 0427 882582 for further information.
Bring a plate to share. Contact Tanya (0466 881220) or Theresa (0466 881220) for more information.