Steppin’ in Line SOCIAL (Cooroy/Sunshine Coast)

Cooroy State School Elm Street, Cooroy

10am - 11.30am Beginners Program 11.30am - 3pm All Request Social THEME: Sunflowers For more information contact Cathy Breed on 0414 951207.


Busy Boots Social (Currimundi/Sunshine Coast)

Currimundi Sport & Recreation Hall cnr Currimundi Road & Ilya St, Currimundi, QLD, Australia

THEME: "Bring the Magic" For further information contact: Jasmin 0432 390 138 or email

Sundance Line Dancers SOCIAL (Bli Bli/Sunshine Coast

Bli Bli Public Hall 87 Willis Rd, Bli Bli

THEME: Floral Booking required for all socials due to the size of the hall. Please contact Heather McPhee to register your attendance (0407 174 591)  

Brizzy Boots ‘n’ All SOCIAL (Mitchelton/Brisbane)

Mitchelton Senior Citizens Centre Tel-El-Kebir St, Mitchelton, Australia

Theme: Country Please BYO food & drinks. Tea & Coffee provided. For more information contact Jo Rosenblatt on 0417 074218 or email